history.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4p March 18, 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4p: 1. Modified the prate option when used with the Cox model. The prate output file then contains a further column with estimated baseline rates calculated from first differences of the cumulated baseline rates (always written in a fixed format). 2. Fixed a bug in the com command (option = 3). 3. Fixed a bug in the mproc command for Procrustes rotation. 4. Changed the algorithm for hcls (hierarchical clustering) according to the code in H. Spaeth, Cluster Analysis Algorithms, NY: Wiley 1977, p. 180-181. Also made the following changes to hcls: a) Added the option ptab=..., that creates an additional output file containing the distance matrix implied by the constructed ultrametric tree. b) The standard output provides the Euclidean norm between the original and the constructed distance matrix. c) The standard output contains information about whether the index function is monotone or not. 5. Added the command pdatr with syntax pdatr( keep = varlist, drop = varlist, nfmt = print format for i,j, def. 4 ) = fname; For all pairs of cases i and j (i,j = 1,...,NOC) the command writes data to the output file specified by fname. 6. Added the command pdatd with syntax pdatd ( v=..., optional varlist, def. all variables opt=..., option, def. 1 1 euclidean distances 2 city-block distance 3 number of different values 4 dissimilarity index wt=..., optional weights, def. none fmt = ..., print format, def. 10.4 ) = fname; output file Based on the selected variables and depending on opt, the command creates a distance matrix with NOC rows and columns and writes the matrix into the output file specified at the right-hand side. 7. Added the command dmet that can be used to change a distance matrix into a metric. The command requires an undirected valued graph. The syntax is: dmet( gn = ..., graph number, def. 1 fmt=..., printf format, def. 10.4 ) = fname; The command calculates c = max{0, max_i,j,k {d_i,j - d_i,k - d_kj}} and changes the distances d_ij into d_ij + c. The modified distance matrix is written into the output file. 8. Added alg=7 to the dma command that can be used for the direct svd-based projection of a data matrix. 9. Added the command mdsc that can be used for ``classical'' MDS (with principal coordinates). The syntax is: mdsc( gn=..., graph number, def. 1 opt= method if negative eigenvalues, def. 1 1 = do nothing 2 = add constant to distance matrix df=..., additional output file fmt=..., print format, def. 10.4 ) = fname; The command requires an undirected valued graph (dissimilarity matrix D). It then constructs from D a doubly centered matrix A and performs a spectral decomposition A = R L R', with L and R containing, respectively, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A. If requested with the df parameter, the A matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors are written into an output file. Coordinates corresponding to positive eigenvalues are written into the output file specified at the right-hand side of the command. 10. Updated the rstata and wstata commands for Stata release 10 (data file type 0x72). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4o July 30, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4o: 1. Added the options m1 = missing_value_code, (def. -1) m2 = missing_value_code, (def. -1) to the seqpe command. The m1 value is used for missing values at the beginning, the m2 value is used for missing values at the end of a sequence. The missing value code defined with the m parameter is used for missing values in between. 2. Fixed a bug in the prate option of the rate command when used with competing risks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4n October 1, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4n: 1. Fixed a bug in the xplotf command that occurred when using the line plot option with groups. 2. Added the matrix command mkmet(A,D) that can be used to calculated Kemeny distances between rank orders. It is assumed that the rows of the (n,m) matrix A contain rank orders. The command creates a (n,n) matrix D with d(i,j) the Kemeny distance between row i and row j of A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4m September 13, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4m: 1. Fixed a bug in the dvar parameter and in the return code of the rspss1 command. Also changed the description of the dvar parameter in the manual. (Thanks to Thilo Ernst.) 2. Fixed a bug that occurred when reading data files with DOS end-of-line characters. 3. Added the subm command that can be used to compare distributions with a substitution metric. The syntax is: subm( eps = ..., epsilon, def. 1.e-6 scost = ..., substitution cost matrix (optional) fmt = ..., print format, def. 10.4 ) = X,Y1,Y2,...; Each variable on the right-hand side must contains the values of a distribution. There must be at least two variables. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4l September 7, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4l: 1. Added an additional check that at least one parameter (covariate) is specified for each transition when estimating transition rate models. (Thanks to Tim Stegmann.) 2. Added the matrix command mivec(V,n,A) Given a q-vector V and a positive integer n with n * m = q (for some m), the command creates a (n,m)-matrix A. The first n elements of V are stored in the first column of A, the following n elements are stored in the second column, and so on. (Inverse of the vec operator.) 3. Added the matrix command mldes(Z,G,D) that creates design matrices for MLRC models. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4k May 31, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4k: 1. Fixed a bug in the seqdef command that occurred with option m = 2. (Thanks to Emilio De Lia.) 2. Fixed a bug in the seqpd command concerning the writing of episodes with option m = 4. Added the following options to the seqpd command: ns = 1 allows to distinguish state numbers for repeatable episodes (only with m = 1). m = 9 creates an output file that records for each individual case and each state the total duration spent in that state. m = 10 creates an output file that records for each individual case and each state the first and the last time point in that state. 3. Fixed a bug that occurred when combining the cwt and the tsel commands. (Thanks to Rolf Mueller.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4i February 14, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4i: 1. Fixed a bug in the nvar command that occurred when the df parameter was used without an input data file (dfile) and without a specification of the number of cases (noc). 2. Changed the rdp1(x) operator to allow for an arbitrary argument x (which might be a variable instead of a numerical constant). 3. Added the glm command for generalized linear models, described in the new manual sections d01615. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4h March 27, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4h: 1. Corresponding to the operator cmean which was added in version 6.4e, we added the operator cmean1(A,F) 2. Fixed a bug that, under certain conditions, occurred when repeat/endif and if/endif constructs are mixed. Also fixed a bug in the mexpr1 command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4g February 10, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4g: 1. Added the option off = ..., value added to numerical labels, def. 0.0 to the plxa and plya commands. The value of off is added to the numerical labels of the axes. 2. Added the option opt = ..., to the arcvc command. By default (opt = 1), archive variable names are made unique by appending the logical file number. Alternatively, if opt = 2, the file name is appended in lower case letters, if opt = 3, the file name is appended in upper case letters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4f January 29, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4f: 1. Fixed a bug in the mscal1 command. 2. Fixed a bug in the mginv command. 3. Modified the rspss1 command in order to automatically recognize SPSS sav-files created on machines with standard or reversed byte order. 4. Fixed a bug in the rspss command that occurred when reading files containing string variables exceeding the record length. 5. Added the matrix command mpit(F,N,k,R); that can be used to iterate a Leslie matrix. It is assumed that F is a (n,2) matrix, N is a (n,1) vector, and k is an integer. The first column of F contains the first row of the (n,n) Leslie matrix L, and the second column of F contains the subdiagonal of L (the last element is ignored). The vector N contains the starting values for the iteration. The command creates the (k + 1,n) matrix R. The i.th row of R contains L^i N. 6. Added the pcyc command that can be used to calculate cycles in permutations. The syntax is: pcyc( df=..., output file (required) nfmt=..., integer print format, def. 4 ) = varlist; list of variables (required) On the right-hand side must be given a list of integer-valued variables, say S1,...,Sn. It is assumed that these variables specify, for each record in TDA's data matrix, a permutation of the integers 1,...,n, say s1,...,sn Permutations might be incomplete, that is, position i is considered as missing if si < 1 or si > n. However, cases where the same valid number between 1 and n occurs two or more times are considered invalid and are ignored. For each valid case (permutation), the command calculates complete and, if present, also incomplete cycles. The output file contains one record for each valid case. The entries are as follows: RN record number (case ID) NV number of valid entries in the permutation NCC number of complete cycles NIC number of incomplete cycles LCC total length of complete cycles LIC total length of incomplete cycles S1,...,Sn values of the input data (the permutation) Finally follows a description of the cycles. Complete cycles are marked by round brackets, incomplete cycles are marked by square brackets. 7. Added the option m = missing_value_code, to the seqpe command. This value is used for the state of the sequence if no valid state is found in the episodes. By default, m = -1. 8. Added the option glen = ..., to the seqdef command. By default, glen = 0. If glen > 0, internal gaps between two identical states which have a length of maximal glen temporal locations are filled with the surrounding state number. Note: This option is only possible for sequences defined with the m = 1 option. Also fixed a bug in the recode (rc) option of the seqdef command. This option now also allows to recode valid state numbers into missing value codes. 9. Changed the syntax for the definition of multiple variables. Inside the nvar command, multiple variable can now be defined as follows: VNAME{j,q,k}[n.m](label) = expression, where the storage size , the format definition [n.m], and the label (label) are optional. j, q, and k must be integers with 0 <= j <= q, and k >= 1. The definition is then expanded into q - j + 1 variable definitions as follows: VNAMEj [n.m](label) = expression(k), VNAMEj+1 [n.m](label) = expression(k+1), VNAMEj+2 [n.m](label) = expression(k+2), ... VNAMEq [n.m](label) = expression(k+q-1), where expression(k+l) means that all ck terms in expression are substituted by ck+l terms. Example 1: Y{0,4,3} = c3, is expanded into Y0 = c3, Y1 = c4, Y2 = c5, Y3 = c6, Y4 = c7, Example 2: Y{1,3,2} = sqrt(c2) + sqrt(c5), is expanded into Y1 = sqrt(c2) + sqrt(c5), Y2 = sqrt(c3) + sqrt(c5), Y3 = sqrt(c4) + sqrt(c5), ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4e December 2, 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4e: 1. Changed the lonlat parameter in the psetup3 command. New syntax: view = lon,lat, As before, lon (-180 <= lon <= +180) specifies the longitude of the view and lat (-90 <= lat <= +90) specifies the latitude of the view. 2. As has been noted by some users, the hcls command only creates a graph (dendrogram) that, in some sense, represents a given dissimilarity matrix. To support the definition of arbitrary clusters of the objects, we added the command hclsp( nlev=..., number of levels, def. 0 cn=..., sequence of node numbers nfmt = ..., integer print format, def. 4 ) = output_file; The command requires a graph defined with the gdd command, option 1 (edge list). As an edge list one can use the output file created by the df option of the hcls command. In any case, the resulting graph must be a tree with a single root node defined by an outdegee 0. There are two opions that can be used separately or simultaneously: (1) If nlev > 0, the command determines the root node, that is, the single node with outdegree 0 and reconstructs the tree for nlev levels, beginning from the root node. The truncated tree is written to the output file and shows, in addition to the node numbers, the number of leafs that have a directed path to the node. This option might be helpful in selecting a suitable set of internal nodes of the tree to define a partition of the leafs. (2) The second option requires the specification of a sequence of nodes (external node numbers) with the parameter cn = n1,n2,..., The output file will then contain one record for each leaf of the tree that has a path to one of the nodes n1,n2,... Assuming that node i has a path to node ni, the record will contain two entries: first ni, then i. Note that is is not required that the nodes n1,n2,... define a complete partition of the leafs. If a leaf has two or more nodes from the set n1,n2,... as followers, the assignment is arbitrary. Examples that illustrate the hclsp command can be found in the updated section of the TDA manual. 3. Added the parameter wf to the pltext and pltext3 commands. By default, wf = 0. If wf = 1, the string is drawn in a white bounding box. 4. Added the type 2 operator cmean(A,F). If a new variable, say M = cmean(A,F), is defined, sum_j=i^n A(j) * F(j) M(i) = --------------------- sum_j=i^n F(j) 5. Fixed a bug in the plotc command which might occur when a non-rectangular grid is used. 6. Added the command plotr( gs=a,b, ) = matrix_name; 7. Added the command dple for product-limit estimation with discrete times. The syntax is as follows: dple( df=..., output file (required) fmt=..., print format, def. 8.6 opt=..., output option, def. 1 1 : all time points 2 : only time points occurring in T grp=..., list of group variables ) = [S,] T, D; There must be two or three variable names on the right-hand side defining durations on a process time axis beginning at zero. S is the beginning of the observation period (zero if not specified), and T is the duration, if D is not equal to zero, and otherwise is the end of the observation period. It is assumed that values of S and T are integers, furthermore: 0 <= S <= T. For each time point t (min(S) <= t <= max(T)), the command counts: e(t) = number of events at t, that is, the number of cases i with T(i) = t and D(i) != 0; and r(t) = number of elements in the risk set at t, that is, the number of cases i with S(i) <= t and T(i) >= t Finally, for each time point t, one record is written to the output file specified by the df parameter, containing the following columns: (1) index of table (2) time (3) r(t) (4) e(t) (5) number of censored cases (6) the rate function e(t) / r(t) (7) the survivor function calculated as the product of (1 - e(j)/r(j)) for j < t. If the grp parameter is used to specify groups, the calculations are done separately for each group. If opt = 1, the output tables contain one row for each time point beginning at min(S) and ending at max(T). If opt = 2, only rows with at least one observation (value of T) are printed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4d March 12, 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4d: 1. Changed the maximal length of variable names from 16 to 32. 2. Added the option prn=3 to the pdata command. The data matrix is then written as a single column vector into the output file. First, values of the first row, then values of the second row, and so on. 3. Added new command for aggregation of graphs. Syntax is: gda( rcn= ..., recode string nfmt =..., print format for integers, def. 4 fmt = ..., print format for values, def. 10.4 ) = fname; output file name The command requires a valued (directed or undirected graph) and always uses only the first graph (of a multigraph). The recode string has the following syntax: rcn = n1[k11,k12,...],n2[k21,k22,...],... meaning that nodes k11,k12,... are aggregated into the new node number n1, k21, k22,... are aggregated into the new node number n2, and so on. Part of the string may look as follows: ni[ki1,,ki2,...] Then nodes numbers from ki1 to ki2 are aggregated into the new node number ni. The aggegated graph is written to the output file specified on the right-hand side, always as an edge list. 4. Added a command that can be used to check whether a directed graph is symmetrical, that is, for each pair of nodes i and j, if there is an edge from i to j, there is an edge from j to i (with the same value). Syntax: gsym(gn=...); gn is the graph number (optional), def. gn = 1. 5. Fixed a bug in the mstand command. Note that the last sentence in the description of this command in the Manual (section is senseless. 6. Added the command gde that can be used to create an undirected (multi-)graph from a list of node numbers and object IDs. gde( df = ..., output file (required) ni = ..., if 1 do not write loops, def. 0 nfmt = ..., integer print format, def. 4 ) = N,ID1,ID2,...; The command requires at least two variables on the right-hand side. N must contain positive integers interpreted as a list of node numbers ID1, ID2, ... can be integer or floating point. Non-negative values of these variables are interpreted as IDs of properties of the nodes given by N. (Negative values are ignored.) For each ID variable the command constructs an undirected graph, altogehter a multigraph. The node set contains all different node numbers found in variable N. For each ID variable, the value of an edge (i,j) is calculated as the number of times that an object with the same property (identified by by ID) belongs both to node i and node j. The resulting (multi-) graph is written to the output file specified with the df parameter as an edge list. If ni = 1, loops are not written to the output file. 7. If in command gdp the opt=1 (edge list) option is used, the command now also writes isolated nodes (that don't have valid edge values) into the output file. They are written collectively at the end of the file. 8. Added a new command that can be used to create the union of two graphs, possibly multigraphs. gdu( df=..., output file sc=..., substitute for missing values, def. -1 nfmt=..., integer print format, def. 4 fmt=..., print format for values, def. 10.4 ) = I,J,V1,...; The command assumes that a graph (possibly a multigraph), called graph 1, is already defined with the perm option. In addition, the command expects on its right-hand side at least three variables from the current data matrix that can be interpreted as an edge list defining a second graph, called graph 2. Interpretation is in the usual way: The first two variables provide node numbers that must be positive integers. Each additional variable specifies the edge values of a graph. In this way, also graph 2 can be a multigraph. The command creates a new graph consisting of all nodes numbers and edges that are part of graph 1 or graph 2. The new graph is written as an edge list to the output file specified with the df parameter. If one of the graphs contains isolated nodes without valid edge values they are written at the end of the output file. 9. Made several changes in the gdd command. a) Added the following data check: if the data is provided as an edge list (opt=1): If an edge (i,j) occurs two or more times, the command reports an error message and exits. b) The gdd command now provides information about the number of isolated nodes in a graph. c) Added the parameter: sc = x, where x is a non-negative floating point number. Then, only edges with a value greater than, or equal to, x are considered valid. By default, x = 0. d) Added the option 8 in order to allow a definition of graphs by reference to TDA matrices. The syntax is: gdd( opt = 8, ...) = A1,A2,...; where A1, A2, ... are names of currently defined matrices. All of them must be square and of the same order, say (n,n). The command then creates a graph (or multigraph) with n nodes 1,...,n and edges values given by the matrices. All elements of a matrix which are greater than, or equal to, x (defined with the sc option) contribute a valid edge. Note: a) This option to define a relationale data structure is independent of TDA's data matrix. b) It depends, however, on a permanent existence of the matrices used to define the structure. It is, therefore, not possible to automatically overwrite these matrices. If one of the matrices is explicitly deleted with the mfree command, the relational data structure is removed. 10. Added the following matrix commands. a) mcsum(A,U) Given an (n,m)-matrix A, the command creates a (1,m)-vector U, with U(j) = A(1,j) + ... + A(n,j). b) mrsum(A,V) Given an (n,m)-matrix A, the command creates a (n,1)-vector V, with V(i) = A(i,1) + ... + A(i,m). vector R containing the sum of the rows of A. c) mag(A,C,R,B) The command expects an (n,m)-matrix A, a (n,1)-vector C and a (1,m)-vector R. Elements of C are interpreted as row indices, elements of R are interpreted as column indices. If these elements are zero the corresponding rows and/or columns of A are dropped. If two or more elements of R and C have the same value, the corresponding elements of A are aggregated. Example: 1 2 3 1 A = 5 6 7 C = 0 R = 1 4 4 B = 2 8 1 2 1 1 11. Fixed a bug in the msrow and mscol commands. Also provided an extended way to specify selection indices: msrow(A,,B Any sequence of integers between 1 and the number of rows of A can be specified in between the < and > brackets. If separated by two consecutive commas, the corresponding range of indices is used. Analoguously for the mscol command. 12. Added new matrix commands: mcvec(A,V) mrvec(A,V) Given an (m,n)-matrix A, both commands create an (row * col,1)- vector V. The first command stacks the columns of A into V, the second command stacks the rows of A into V. 13. Added a new type 2 operator: vdif(X,Y) Given X(i), Y(i), i = 1,...,n, the result of vdif(X,Y) in the i.th record is 1 if X(i) is not equal to any of the values Y(j), for j = 1,...,n; otherwise X(i) is 0. Example: X Y vdif(X,Y) ----------------- 1 3 0 2 2 0 7 8 1 9 1 1 1 8 0 14. Added a command to read dBase files. rdbf( df=..., output file (optional) ) = fname; dBase input file. Note: this command is experimental and will not be supported. 15. Added options to the gdcon command. The new syntax is: gdcon( opt=..., 1 = only number of reachable nodes 2 = additionally, the node numbers 3 = strong components, node list 4 = strong components, edge list nfmt=..., integer print format, def. 4 fmt=..., print format for values, def. 10.4 gn=..., graph number, def. 1 if=..., input file with node numbers, ) = fname; Opt = 3 creates an output file containing a node list with the following entries for each node: column 1 : ID of strong component the node belongs to column 2 : internal node number column 3 : external node number Opt = 4 creates an output file containing an edge list where each record has the following entries: column 1 : ID of strong component the edge belongs to column 2 : internal node number of first node column 3 : external node number of first node column 4 : internal node number of second node column 5 : external node number of second node column 6 : edge value The print format of the edge value can be controlled with the fmt paramter. Note: for options 3 and 4 the if parameter is ignored. 16. Added the option df = name_of_outputfile, to the gcliq command. Given this option, the command will create another output file organized as a node list. Each record will contain three entries: column 1 : node number column 2 : number of component the node belongs to column 3 : number of clique the node belongs to 17. Added the command gnc( gn = ..., graph number, def. 1 nfmt = ..., integer format, def. 4 fmt=..., print format for values, def. 10.4 ) = fname; output file (required) The command assumes an undirected graph. The output file will contain one record for each node of the graph with the following entries: Col 1: internal node number Col 2: external node number Col 3: ni = degree of node i plus 1 (= number of nodes in the node-centered network of node i). Col 4: ki = number of edges in the node-centered network Col 5: density, calculated as di = (2 ki)/(ni (ni - 1)) 18. Modified the gfcf command. a) The input file parameter (if) is now optional. If not given, the set of input node equals the node set of the graph. b) An additional output file can be specified with the df = filename, parameter. The output file will contain one record for each input node (these are the nodes given by the if parameter or, if the if parameter is not used, the whole node set of the graph). The first two entries show the internal and external node number, say i. Then follows the number of nodes that can be directly or indirectly controlled by node i. Then follow the external node numbers of the controlled nodes. c) An additional output file can be specified with the ptab = filename, parameter. This output file will contain one record for each node in the graph. The first two entries show the internal and external node number. Then follows the number of nodes in the set of input nodes (see above) that can directly or indirectly contol the node. 19. Added the optional dopt parameter to the gdcyc command. If the user specifies dopt = 1, the command terminates after the first cycle has been found. In addition, if opt=3, nothing is written into the output file; instead, the progress in counting the cycles is reported in the standard output. 20. Added the matrix command mpz(A,B,P) The command assumes a (n,n)-matrix A. It tries to find a permutation of the rows of A that puts as many non-zero elements in the main diagonal as possible. The permuted matrix is returned in B. Also returned is an (n,1)-vector P that contains the permutation. The algorithm is adapted from ACM algorithm 575 (Permutations for a zero-free diagonal), developed by I.S. Duff. 21. Added the matrix commands mpbl(A,B,P,N,U) lower block diagonal mpbu(A,B,P,N,U) upper block diagonal Both commands expect an (n,n)-matrix A and try to find a simultaneous permutation of rows and columns to make A a lower or upper block diagonal matrix. The permuted matrix is returned in B. Als returned is an (n,1)-vector P that contains the permutation, an (1,1)-scalar N that contains the number of blocks, and a (k,1)-vector U with k the number of blocks. U(i,1) is the number of the row where the i.th block begins. The algorithm is adapted from ACM algorithm 529 (Permutations to block triangular form), developed by I.S. Duff and J.K. Reid. 22. Added the matrix command mnc(A,x,opt,B) The command expects a (n,m)-matrix A, a scalar x and a scalar opt. The command creates a new (n,m)-matrix B that has the following values: opt = 1: bij = 0 if aij <= x opt = 2: bij = 0 if aij < x opt = 3: bij = 0 if aij >= x opt = 4: bij = 0 if aij > x opt = 5: bij = 0 if abs(aij) <= x opt = 6: bij = 0 if abs(aij) < x opt = 7: bij = 0 if abs(aij) >= x opt = 8: bij = 0 if abs(aij) > x otherwise bij = aij. 23. Added matrix commands for row, column and symmetrical permutations. mprow(A,P,B) A is (n,m), P is (n,1) or (1,n) permutation vector. B(i,j) = A(P(i),j) mpcol(A,P,B) A is (n,m), P is (m,1) or (1,m) permutation vector. B(i,j) = A(i,P(j)) mpsym(A,P,B) A is (n,n), P is (n,1) or (1,n) permutation vector. B(i,j) = A(P(i),P(j)) 24. Added the matrix command mpinv(P,Q) P must be a (n,1) or (1,n) permutation vector. The command creates the vector Q with Q(P(i)) = i. 25. Added the matrix command mqap(F,D,C,P) for an approximate solution of the quadratic assignment problem The command expects (n,n)-matrices F, D and C (n > 1) and tries to find a permutation that minimizes sum_i ( c[i,p(i)] + sum_j f[i,j] d[p(i),p(j()] ) The best permutation is returned in the (n,1)-vector P. The best function value is written to standard output. The algorithm is adapted from CACM algorithm 608 (D.H. West). Note: The algorithm expects that the main diagonals of F and D are zero. If the mqap command finds non-zero elements they are set to zero. The number of changes is reported in the standard output. 26. Added the matrix command mcel(A,x,L) that creates an edge list from an adjacency matrix. Given an (n,n)-matrix A and a scalar x, the command creates a (m,3)-matrix L organized as an edge list where m is the number of edges. Valid edges are assumed if a(i,j) >= x. 27. Fixed a bug in the gcset command (compact sets). Also dropped the alg option. The command now always uses the Kruskal algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree. 28. In the description of the gsp command, it was not mentioned that the algorithm requires a graph defined with opt 1 (edge list). The command now exits with an error message if requested with another option. 29. Added a matrix command for iterative proportional fitting: mpfit(A,U,V,iter,eps,B) The command expects a (n,m)-matrix A, a (1,m)-vector U containing the prescribed column sums, a (n,1)-vector V containing the prescribed row sums, a scalar iter that specifies the maximum number of iterations, and a scalar eps that specifies the required accuracy. The matrix A must be non-negative and all row and column sums must be positive. Also the following equality should hold: Sum U[j] = Sum V[i]. Otherwise the command will issue a warnings message (but will not terminate). The command creates a (n,m)-matrix B that contains the estimates with the prescribed row and column sums. 30. Added commands for 3d plots. a) In order to create 3-dimensional PostScript plots with TDA it is necessary to define a PostScript output file with the psfile command and to set up a 3-dimensional coordinate system with the command psetup3( lonlat=lon,lat, direction of projection (degrees), def. 30,30 pxa=xa,xb, logical x axis from xa to xb pya=ya,yb, logical y axis from ya to yb pza=za,zb, logical z axis from za to zb pxlen=..., horizontal size of plot (mm), def 100 psorg=..., origin of PostScript coord. system, def. 100,100 psscal=..., scaling, def. 1,1 psrot=..., rotation, def. 0 ); This command defines a 3d user coordinate system and, with the lonlat parameter, a direction for parallel projection of all further plot objects. Note that only the horizontal size of the plot can be specified. b) The command pltext3( xyz = x,y,z, where the string should begin fs = ..., font size, def. 2mm sc = ..., 1 = centered, def. 0 r = ..., rotation, def. 0 s = ..., marker symbol ) = string; plots a string at the position (x,y,z). c) The command plot3( geo=..., 1 use geographic coordinates, def. 0 lt=..., line type, def. 1 lw=..., line width, def. 0.2 mm gs=..., grey scale value, def. 1 (white) s=..., marker symbol fs=..., font size, def. 2mm a=..., end in arrow nc=..., 1 if no clipping ) = VX,VY,VZ; points can be used to plot a sequence of 3d points. The right-hand side must provide the names of three data matrix variables containing the coordinates. Most parameters have the same meaning as in the 2-dimensional plot command. In addition, the geo parameter can be used to select between two types of coordinates. If geo = 0 (default), the values of VX, VY and VZ are interpreted as standard cartesian coordinates in the given coordinate system. If geo = 1, the values are interpreted as geographical coordinates: VX provides the longitude (lon), VY provides the latitude (lat), and VZ provides the distance from the origin (r). It is required that -180 <= lon, lat <= +180 and r >= 0. d) The command plotp3(...) = x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,...; can be used to plot the sequence of points given on the right-hand side. Parameters are identical with those in the plot3 command. e) The command plcurv3( rx=..., range of argument: a(d)b f1=..., x1 = f(x) f2=..., x2 = f(x) f3=..., x3 = f(x) lt=..., line type, def. 1 (solid line) lw=..., line width, def. 0.2 (mm) nc=..., 1 if no clipping ); can be used to plot a parameterized curve in a 3d coordinate system. Example: psfile = xx.ps; psetup3( pxa = -1.1,1.1, pya = -1.1,1.1, pza = -1.1,1.1, ); plcurv3( nc=1, rx = -1(0.1)20, f1 = cos(x), f2 = sin(x), f3 = 0.1 * x, ); f) The command plsurf3( ru=..., range of first argument: ua,ub,nu,mu rv=..., range of second argument: va,vb,nv,mv f1=..., x1 = f(u,v) f2=..., x2 = f(u,v) f3=..., x3 = f(u,v) lt=..., line type, def. 1 (solid line) lw=..., line width, def. 0.2 (mm) cont=..., cont=1 adds internal contour lines, def. 0 gs=..., grey scale value, def. 1 (white) nc=..., 1 if no clipping ); can be used to plot a parametrically defined surface. The surface is evaluated on a grid [ua <= u <= ub] and [va <= v <= vb]; nu and nv are the number of points on the grid in the u and v direction, respectively. In addition, mu and mv specify the number of grid lines that are used to plot the surface. Example: psfile = xx.ps; psetup3( pxa = -3,3, pya = -3,3, pza = -3,3, lonlat = 40, 20, ); plsurf3 ( rv = -3,3,30,10, ru = -3,3,30,10, f1 = u, f2 = v, f3 = sin(u * u + v * v) / (u * u + v * v + 0.00001), cont = 1, ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4c January 4, 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4c: 1. The ns (smoothing) option in the plotch command should now display, in most cases, convex pictures. Works only if the number of data points is at least 3. 2. Added a new command, rcorr, that can be used to calculate rank correlations (Kendall's tau). The syntax is identical with that of the cov and corr commands. Note, however, that the rcorr command ignores case weights. 3. Added a new command, unf, that can be used for unidimensional unfolding. The syntax is unf( df=..., create output file ) = X1,...,Xm; variables. Values of the variables are interpreted as follows. If the values for case i are: xi1,...,xim, this means: a) alternative j is preferred to alternative k if xij > xik b) indifference if xij = xik. The command checks all m! permutations of the m alternatives (actually only half of them) in order to find the best permutation for an alignment of the input data based on Kendall's tau. Finally, the best permutation is reported in the standard output. The df option can be used to request an output file that contains one record for each case: (1) case number, (2) best aligned rank order, (3) input data, (4) a flag that is 1 if (2) and (3) are different. 4. Added the commad ghd to create Hasse diagrams from rank order data. The syntax is ghd( df=..., output file pcf=..., output file ) = X1,...,Xm; variables Values of the variables are interpreted as follows. If the values for case i are: xi1,...,xim, this means: a) alternative j is preferred to alternative k if xij > xik b) indifference if xij = xik. Nodes are labeled by case numbers. The standard output shows the labels of the minimal nodes in the Hasse diagram. If the df option is used the output file will contain the Hasse diagram as an edge list. The pcf option provides the same edge list in the syntax of the graphviz (dot) program. 5. Added the command com to generate combinatorial patterns. The syntax is com( opt=..., option, def. 1 1 = all orderes n-tupels 2 = all m-sets that can be created from n integers 3 = all m-tuples 4 = all permutations of n numbers 5 = all partitions of n 6 = all partitions of n into m > 1 parts 7 = all partitions of n into m subsets n=..., def. 1 m=..., def. 1 ) = fname; The patterns are written into the output file defined by the name fname. 6. Added the command cro( m = ..., def. 2 ) = fname; that can be used to create all rank orders of size m (greater than 1), including all possible tie groups. The rank orders are written into the output file defined by fname. The file contains m + 2 columns. First column is record number, second column is number of tie groups, then follows the rank order. 7. Fixed a bug in the dvar option of the rspss1 command. 8. The rstata command is now able to read Stata files of release 7 (code 0x0e). Also fixed a bug in the rstata command that concerns the reading of value labels. (Note: Reading of value labels is only supported for Stata releases 6 and higher.) The wstata command can be used to write Stata file of release 7. The new option is ptyp=7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4a October, 9 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4a: 1. Added the parameter ns to the plot and plotp commands. This parameter can be used in connection with the dir parameter. If ns=1 the commands only plots horizontal lines. This might be useful, for example, when plotting distribution functions. 2. The default maximum number of split variables (MaxSPL) is now 1000 (instead of previously 100). 3. The dstat now gives an error message if the sel option is used in connection with case weights. (Thanks to Thorsten Schneider who pointed out that both options are incompatible.) In order to use case weights case selection should be done with the tsel command. 4. We changed the formula for quantile calculation. Given n data in ascending order: x(1) <= ... <= x(n) the calculation of a p quantile (0 < p < 1) is now as follows. a) if p(n + 1) <= 1 then Q = x(1) b) if p(n + 1) >= n then Q = x(n) c) otherwise: Q = (1 - (q - i)) x(i) + (q - i) x(i+1) where q = p(n + 1) and i = floor(q). This should make TDA's quantile calculation the same as used in Stata (and SPSS?). Note, however, that there is no general standard for quantile calculation in statistical packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.4 May, 30 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.4: 1. Changed the mev command for eigenvalue/vector calculations. The command now uses algorithm CACM 343 by J. Grad and M. A. Brebner, see Communications of the ACM 11, 1963, pp.820-26 The command now has syntax mev(A,ER,EI,EVR,EVI) A must be a real (n,n)-matrix. The command returns the (n,1) vectors ER and EI containing, respectively, the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues, and the (n,n)-matrices EVR and EVI. The i.th column of EVR contains the real part, the i.th column of EVI contains the imaginary part of the eigenvector corresponding to the i.th eigenvalue. 2. Fixed several bugs in the rspss, rspss1 and wspss1 commands. The wspss1 command now recognizes print formats. A free format is always translated into a 10.4 format. 3. Added the following commands: edef without arguments provides information about currently defined episode data. gdd without arguments provides information about currently defined relational data. arcd without arguments provides information about a currently data archive. 4. Added a new command, dma, that can be used for variants of principal components analysis, including an option for correspondence analysis. A preliminary description is provided in TDA's help file. There is currently no documentation in the manual. 5. Added a new matrix command: mtrim(A,ca,ra,cb,rb,R) The command expects a (n,m)-matrix A and scalar expressions ca, ra, cb, and rb. It creates a new matrix, R, by deleting the ca first columns of A (if ca >= 0) or adding zero columns (if ca < 0), and correspondingly, the first ra rows of A, the last cb columns of A, and the last rb rows of A. 6. In addition to its standard form, one can use the mexpr command in the form mexpr(, expression, Matrix-name) The optional string controls how the matrix expression is evaluated. rsel selects row indices, csel selects column indices of the matrix expression. Only elements selected both by rsel and csel are evaluated via expression, all other elements get a value defined by a. a can be a scalar constant or the name of an already existing matrix. rsel and csel can be specified as follows: * selects all row (column) indices i selects row (column) index i -i selects all rows (columns) except i (i1,i2,...) selects rows (columns) i1,i2,... -(i1,i2,...) selects all rows (columns) expept i1,i2,... i(d)j selects rows (columns) i, i+d, ... -(i(d)j) selects all rows (columns) except i, i+d, i+2d,... 7. Fixed a bug in the hcls command for hierarchical clustering (SAHN algorithms). 8. Added two new type 2 operators. quant(X,p) returns the p-quantile of the distribution of variable X. Calculation of quantiles is done in the same way as described for the quant command. quant1(X,Z,p,m) also returns the p-quantile of X, but X might contain censored values. This is indicated by values of variable Z. If Z(i) = 0 X(i) is assumed to be a censored value; otherwise X(i) is interpreted as uncensored. If the requested quantile cannot be calculated, the operator returns the value m. 9. Fixed one more bug in the rspss command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.3b April, 6 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.3b: 1. Fixed a bug in the mnvar command. 2. Added the following option to the rstata command: n = ..., treatment of variable names 1 : default 2 : translate to upper case letters 3. Added the following option to the wstata command: n = ..., treatment of variable names 1 : default 2 : translate to lower case letters 3 : translate to upper case letters ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.3a December, 23 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.3a: 1. Completely revised the handling of string variables. All previously defined options are no longer valid. We now have the following types of variables (VTyp): 1 string variables 2 numerical constants 3 numerical variables which do not (directly or indirectly) involve type 2 operators 4 numerical variables which (directly or indirectly) involve type 2 operators 5 special variables created temporarily by edef(). A string variable (vtyp 1) can now become part of TDA's internal data matrix. In this case, not numerical representations as was done in previous versions, but the actual strings are stored in the internal data matrix. A string variable always consists of strings of a fixed length. The string size of a string variable is given by a negative integer, -n, where n is the length of the variable. The storage size of a string variable equals its length. 2. As a consequence of the new handling of string variables, the following options are no longer valid: a) the maxsv option (there is no longer a separate maximal number of string variables). b) the s=... option in the freq, freq1, freq2, rstata, and pdata commands. c) the ns=... option in the rspss command. d) the afmt parameter in the nvar command. 3. In order to create string variables with the nvar command one can use the operator Variable_name = str(n,m), This requires that one has specified a data file with the dfile parameter. TDA then creates a string variable with the specified name and uses the columns n,...,m in the data file to create the strings. Note that the str operator cannot be combined with any other operators. 4. The rspss and rstata commands now recognize string variables which may be present in an SPSS portable file, or Stata file, and creates corresponding TDA string variables as part of TDA's data matrix. As an implication, there are a few changes in the rspss and rstata commands that will be described below. 5. TDA data archives may contain string variables. The type of the variable must be specified in the variable description file with the format entry. In general, each line in a variable description file has the following syntax: VNAME is the name of the variable. FN is the logical file number. OFF is the offset in the data file records where the variable begins (counting begins with column 0). FMT is a format information which must be given in one of the following three ways: n.m where n is a positive integer and m is a non-zero integer. n is used as the length (number of physical columns) for the variable. n.m is used as the print format. n where n is a positive integer. Again, n is used as the length (number of physical columns) for the variable, and the print format is n.0 n where n is a negative integer. The variable is then recognized as a string variable with length -n. 6. NOTE: whenever TDA expects a numerical variable and the user supplies a string variable, the string variable will be treated. as having the value zero. There are, in fact, only a few things that can be done with string variables. 7. The pdata command recognizes string variables. They are written as strings into the output file. The previously available s parameter is no longer valid. 8. There are a few operators that can be used to create numerical variables from string variables. a) The operator strlen(S) returns the storage size (length) of the string variable S. b) The operator strv(S) assumes that S is a string that only consists of digits. If this is the case the operator returns the corresponding numerical value; otherwise the operator returns -1. The storage size of the resulting variable depends on the length of S. c) The operator strvp(S,n,m) creates a numerical variable from columns n,...,m of the string variable S. If it is not possible to convert the sub-string to a numerical value the operator returns -1. d) The operator strsp(S) creates a numerical variable that sorts the strings in S in ascending order. 9. The rstata command now has the following options. rstata( noc=..., # of records to read, def. all msys=..., system missing value code, def. -5 df=..., write data directly to output file dvar(...)=..., create/update variable description file arcd=..., create/update archive description file ) = fname; If the Stata file contains string variables these variables are created as part of TDA's internal data matrix or, when using the df option, they are directly written to the output file. The previously available s option is no longer valid. a) If the df parameter is used as dfa = file_name, data are appended to the specified file; otherwise, with df=..., a new file is created. b) The dvar parameter has the syntax dvar(argument1,argument2,...) = file_name, The arguments are optional and can be: fn=file_number, this file number is used in the variable description file, default is 1. p=n, where n is an integer. Each string variable will then be partitioned into parts of n characters length, and corresponding variable definitions are added to the variable description file. The additional variables are of type string. pn=n, same as p=n, but the new variables are of type numerical. p(VNAME)=n, where VNAME is the name of a variable and n is a positive integer. Then, if VNAME is a string variable, only this variable is partitioned into parts of length n. The additional variables are of type string. pn(VNAME)=n, same as p(VNAME)=n, but the new variables are of type numerical. Note that only one p=n or pn=n parameter can be used. However, the p(VNAME)=n and pn(VNAME)=n parameters are compatible and can be used several times. The dvar parameter can also be used as dvara(...)=..., New variable descriptions are then appended to an already existing file. c) The arcd parameter has syntax arcd(parameter1,parameter2) = file_name, where the optional arguments can be: zoo = file_name, this file name is then used in the archive description file for the ZOO archive. vdf = file_name, this file name is then used in the archive description file for the variable description file. The file number for this file is always 999. Note that the arcd command is only recognized if the rstata command contains both a df and a dvar parameter. The file name used with the vdf parameter should be the same as that used in the dvar parameter (in order to get valid information about number of records). d) The additional options can be used to ease the creation of a TDA data archive. For example, the following command file would create an archive: $"rm xxx.zoo"; rstata( dvar(fn=1) = dv, df = df, arcd(zoo=xxx.zoo,vdf=dv) = arcd, ) = xxx.dta; $"zoo ah xxx df"; $"zoo ah xxx dv"; arcd = arcd; arcc; e) Note: when creating a variable description file TDA tries to recognize value labels which, in a Stata file, are stored at the end of the file. Since this requires that all data has been read, value labels are only recognized if the noc parameter is not used. f) Note: rstata is now able to read Stata files from releases 4 and 6. 10. The arcc command now also checks whether the variable names in a variable description file are unique (as required for TDA data archives). If arcc says that variable names are not unique, one can use the arcvc command to investigate and solve the problem. 11. The wstata command now has the following options. wstata( keep = varlist, drop = varlist, sort = varlist, ptyp = ..., type of stata release, def. 6 4 : for release 4 6 : for release 6 ) = output_file_name; What kind of Stata file is written depends on the ptyp parameter. By default, files are written for Stata release 6. If TDA's data matrix contains string variables these are written into the output file. Note that string variables cannot be used for sorting. 12. The rspss command for reading SPSS portable files now has the following options. rspss( len= ..., record length of input file, def.80 noc=..., # of records to read, def. all msys=..., system missing value code, def. -5 fmt=..., new print format df=..., write data directly to output file dvar(...)=..., create/update variable description file arcd=..., create/update archive description file ) = file_name; If the SPSS file contains string variables these variables are created as part of TDA's internal data matrix or, when using the df option, they are directly written to the output file. The previously available s option is no longer valid. The df, dvar, and arcd parameter can be used in the same way as has been described above for the rstata command. 13. The wspss command for writing SPSS portable files now has the following options. wspss( keep = varlist, drop = varlist, sort = varlist, ) = output_file_name; If TDA's data matrix contains string variables these are written into the output file. Note that string variables cannot be used for sorting. 14. The rdbase command is no longer supported. 15. Added a new command rspss1( noc=..., # of records to read, def. all dvar=..., file containing value label information msys=..., system missing value code, def. -5 df=..., write data to output file ) = file_name; which can be used to read SPSS sav-files (created by SPSS for Windows on an Intel platform). By default, the data are read into a TDA data matrix (this requires that a data matrix is not already present). Alternatively, when using the df parameter, the data are written directly to the output file specified with the df parameter. Note that the dvar option creates only a simplified description of the variables and labels. It does not create a variable description file as it is done in the rspss and rstata commands. 16. Added a new command wspss1( keep = varlist, drop = varlist, sort = varlist, ) = output_file_name; This command writes TDA's internal data matrix (or the variables selected with the keep or drop option) into an output file that can be used as an SPSS sav file. Note that this is a binary file; storage of numerical data conforms to an INTEL platform. Note also that string variables cannot be used for sorting. 17. Added a new command ploth( x=..., intervals, required w=..., variable for weights s=..., s=0 (default) classes are left closed s=1 classes are left open ns=..., ns=1, don't plot vertical lines, def. ns=0 lt=..., line type, def. 1 (solid line) lw=..., line width, def. 0.2 (mm) gs=..., grey scale value, def. 1 (white) nc=..., nc=1 if no clipping, def. 0 df=..., print table to output file fmt=..., print format for output file, def. 10.4 ) = variable; which can be used to plot a histogram. There must be exactly one variable on the right-hand side. Also one has to use the x parameter to specify a set of intervals (classes) for the histogram. The syntax is x=x1,x2,...,xn, or x=x1(d)xn, x1 must be not greater than the minimum of the values of the variable, and xn must not smaller than the maximum of the values of the variable. The command requires a valid setup for plots and uses the currently defined coordinate system. The heights of the histogram are calculated in such a way that the areas equal the frequencies. A corresponding frequency table can be requested with the df parameter. The output file will then contain n - 1 lines with the following entries: 1) begin of class 2) end of class 3) absolute frequency 4) relative frequency 5) height of histogram 18. Added a new command plotd( x=..., sequence of evaluation points, required d=..., bandwidth, def. 1.0 k=..., kernel, def. 1 1 : uniform 2 : triangle 3 : quartic 4 : Epanechnikov lt=..., line type, def. 1 (solid line) lw=..., line width, def. 0.2 (mm) gs=..., grey scale value, def. 1 (white) nc=..., no clipping option, def. 0 df=..., print estimates to output file fmt=..., print format for output file, def. 10.4 ) = variable; for kernel density estimation. There must be exactly one variable name on the right-hand side. Also required is the x parameter to specify a sequence of evaluation points on the x axis, the syntax is x = x1,...,xn or x=x1(d)xn As an option, the estimated density data are written to an output file specified with the df option. The number of records in the output file equals the number of evaluation points defined with the x parameter. Each record contains two entries: (1) the value of the evaluation point, (2) the corresponding density. 19. Updated and revised the user's manual and its distribution. Postscript files and zip archives are now directly available from the tda home page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.3 December, 12 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.3: 1. Fixed a bug in the command interpreter that might cause core dumps. 2. Fixed a bug that caused problems in the rspss command when the SPSS file contains very long variable labels. 3. Folowing a suggestion by Stefan Bender, we added a command that might help in merging two event data files. The command is ejoin( if1 = ..., first input file name if2 = ..., second input file name max = ..., max block size, def. 1000 records nw = ..., max number of levels, def. 1 len = ..., max record length, def. 1000 noc = ..., read max noc records, def. all fmt0=..., print format for first 8 entries fmt1=..., print format covariates file 1 fmt2=..., print format covariates file 2 ) = name of output file; There must be at least one input file. Input files must be free format files where the first 6 entries are as follows: Col 1 - case Id used to identify blocks Col 2 - number of records (spells) in current block Col 3 - record (spell) number in current block Col 4 - starting time of spell Col 5 - ending time of spell Col 6 - state (non-negative) Any further entries in the file are treated as covariables. Note: the command assumes that the input file is sorted: first w.r.t. case Id, and secondly, inside each block, w.r.t. the starting time. If spells are overlapping, the command performs episode splitting and creates as many levels as necessary. (This required an approprite setting of the nw parameter.) The output file has the following entries: Col 1 - case Id used to identify blocks Col 2 - number of records (spells) in current block Col 3 - record (spell) number in current block Col 4 - level number (0,1,2,...) Col 5 - starting time of spell Col 6 - ending time of spell Col 7 - state in file 1 Col 8 - state in file 2 Additional covariables from first file Additional covariables from second file ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.2f April 25, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.2f: 1. The ARCHTyp flag in tda.h is now independent of the S_DOS and S_UNIX flags and must explicitly be set when compiling the program according to the type of processor (standard or reversed byte order). In particular, when compiling TDA for Linux one should set ARCHTyp to 2 when, what is most often the case, Linux is based on an Intel processor. 2. Fixed a bug that occured when using the mpcov parameter without simultaneously using the pcov parameter. 3. The eval command is obsolete and has been dropped. Use the mpr command insteead. 4. Introduced a new type 1 operator that allows to define intervals. The operator is iv(a,b) or, equivalently, [a,b] where a and b can be any expressions. The operator returns the interval [ min(a,b), max(a,b) ] iv(a,b) and [a,b] are called interval operators. An expression is called an interval expression if it contains at least one interval operator. Note that interval operators may only be combined with the following type 1 operators: a) elementary arithmetical operators: + - * / b) exp, log, sin, cos, min, max c) and, or, eq, ne, lt, le, gt, ge, if. 5. The mpr command can be used to evaluate interval expressions. For example, mpr([a,b] + [c,d]); prints the sum of the two intervals. As an option, one can use mpr1, instead of mpr. This then will show the resulting interval in square brackets. 6. Added the seqpm command for pattern matching in strings. Syntax is seqpm( sn = ..., number of sequence data structure, def. 1 ps = [...],[...], definition of max 20 patterns df = ..., test output file nfmt=..., integer print format, def. 4 v=..., add ... variables to output file dtda=..., TDA description file ) = fname; name of output file Patterns must be given as follows: ps = [a1,a2,...],[b1,b2,...],... where a1,a2,..., b1,b2,... are one of the folowing characters: nonnegative integers for valid states ? matches any character * matches any sequence of characters + any repeat of the previous character - any sequence of identical states The contents of the output file can be seen from the TDA description file. 7. Fixed a bug in the rspss command that occurred when reading two ore more SPSS portable files in a single call of TDA. Thanks to John Haisken-DeNew. 8. Following suggestions by John, we also added the following features. 1) The arcvc command now separately informs about number of records and number of variables written to a new varible description file. 2) added the following parameter/options to the rspss command. a) the df parameter can be used as dfa=... to append data to the output file. b) the dvar parameter can be used as dvara(fn=)=... to append variable description to the file. c) there is a new parameter arcd = name-of-output-file, in order to request another output file that will contain the basic information required for an archive description file. Note that this option will only work in connection with the df and dvar parameters. Note also that you will not get an ready to use archive description but will need to add the archive name and a variable description file. d) the arcd parameter can be used as arca=... to append information to the file. e) there is a new parameter ns = 1, this parameter can only be used in connection with the df parameter. If ns=1 is used, string variables that may be present in the SPSS portable file will be written into the output file defined with the df parameter. These variables will then also be recognized in the the variable description file requested with the dvar parameter and in the archive description file requested with the arcd parameter. Default is ns = 0, meaning that string variables are not recognized, and these variables will only be recognized as comments in the variable description file. f) Note: in order to calculate the physical record length that is required for the archive description file, it is assumed that there is an 1-byte EOL character when running under UNIX, and a 2-byte EOL character under DOS etc. 9. Added a matrix command mdcent(R,A) If R is an (n,n) symmetric matrix, the command creates a new (n,n) matrix A that contains the double-centered values of R. (The matrix A might then be used for "classical metric scaling".) 10. Added the loglin command that can be used to created contingency tables and for estimation of loglinear models. The command is described in section 6.19 of the manual. 11. Added a new block mode operator bnum This operator returns the current block number. Block numbers are: 1,2,3,...,m where m is the number of blocks in the data matrix. 12. Added a new command mdefb(MName, mexpr); where MName is a matrix name and mexpr is a scalar matrix expression. This command creates a new matrix, MName, corresponding to block mexpr of the current data matrix. The command requires block mode defined with the dblock command. mexpr must evaluate to a valid block number. 13. Added the matrix command mlsei(W,me,mi,X); expects a (m,n+1) matrix W and two scalar expressions, me and mi, in the following way: ( E F ) W = ( A B ) ( H G ) where: E is a (me,n) matrix F is a (me,1) vector A is a (ma,n) matrix B is a (ma,1) vector H is a (mi,n) matrix G is a (mi,1) vector and ma = m - me - mi. Note: m is defined by the number of rows of the matrix W, me and mi are given as scalar parameter in the command. It is possible to have me >= 0, ma >= 0, and mi >= 0. The command tries to find an (n,1) vector X such that: E X = F (equality constraints) H X >= G (inequality constraints) and the norm of (AX - B) is minimal in the least squares sense. The algorithm is the same as used for TDA's lsreg command. 14. Added the matrix command mnls(W,me,k,X); expects a (m,n+1) matrix W and two scalar expressions, me and k, in the following way: W = ( E F ) ( A B ) where: E is a (me,n) matrix F is a (me,1) vector A is a (ma,n) matrix B is a (ma,1) vector and ma = m - me. Note: m is defined by the number of rows of the matrix W, me is given as a scalar parameter in the command and it is possible that me >=0 and ma >= 0. The command tries to find an (n,1) vector X such that EX = F (equality constraints) and the norm of (AX - B) is minimal in the least squares sense. In addition, k is a scalar parameter with 0 <= k <= n and is used to specify non-negativity conditions for the solution vector X: X(k) >= 0, X(k+1) >= 0,..., X(n) >= 0 If k = n there are no non-negativity constraints; if k = 0 all components of X should be non-negative. Again, the algorithm is the same as used for the lsreg command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.2e March 5, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.2e: 1. Added the command plotm (parameter) = X1,Y1,X2,Y2,...; where X1,Y1,... are data matrix variables. The command plots a polygon (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), ..., separately for each case in the data matrix. Parameters are optional and identical with those for the the plot command. 2. Added, and updated, commands for relational (graph) data. Here is a list of the new, or modified, commands. command section ----------------------------------------------------------------- gcd creating simple test data gcliq standard cliques gcon connected components gcset compact sets gcut cut nodes and blocks gcyc fundamental set of cycles gdcon reachable nodes in digraphs gdcyc enumeration of cycles gdd definition of data structure 3.6.2 gdln direct links gdp writing relational data gep enumeration of paths gev eigenvalues and eigenvectors 7.2.7 gflow maximal flows giset independent sets gmst minimum spanning tree gnst enumeration of spanning tree gni degree of nodes gsort topological sort gsp all shortest paths gst depth-first spanning trees gtcl transitive closure ----------------------------------------------------------------- gap column permutations gqap quadratic assignment ----------------------------------------------------------------- becl bond energy clustering hcld simple divisive clustering hcld partition with minimal diameter hcls SAHN clustering procedures nncl nearest-neighbor clustering ----------------------------------------------------------------- gbcf direct/indirect backward control gfc measures of flow control gfcf direct/indirect forward control gio integrated ownership 3. Fixed a problem that arose when a directed valued graph should be interpreted as undirected (gt = 2 option). The convention now is: if two nodes, i and j, are connected by two directed edges, the edge value of the undirected edge will be the sum of the directed edge values. 4. Fixed a bug in the gni command. 5. Added a check for the bsel, vsel, and break parameters in the nvar command. These parameters can only be used when the definition of new variables is based on reading data from an archive or from an external data file. Otherwise the nvar command will stop with an error message. 6. Updated the tda.hlp file. The current help file is now for TDA version 6.2e. x. Updates in the User's Manual: d07 added relational data d0701 added introduction and overview d0702 added some elementary procedures d070201 added d00 updated index updated ref updated ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.2d Oct 4, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.2d: 1. When combining the noc and isel parameters in the nvar command, reading records from an external data file does no longer stop after having read noc records, but after having created noc data matrix rows. This was suggested by Stefan Bender. 2. Added/changed the following typ 1 operators: nocdm returns the number of data matrix rows before (independent of) any temporary case selection. noc returns the number of data matrix rows which are currently selected. nvar returns the number of currently defined data matrix variables. All operators return zero if there is no data matrix. Note: Values of these operators can be found with the mexpr command. For example, mexpr(nocdm,NOCDM); mpr(NOCDM); prints the value of nocdm. 3. The tsel command can now be used also with matrix expressions. It is required, however, that the matrix expression results in a NOCDM x 1 matrix where NOCDM is the number of cases in the data matrix (before any case selection). For example, creating a NOCDM x 1 matrix S, the command tsel = S; would select all data matrix rows i where S(i) is not equal to zero. The current value of NOC would then be equal to the numer of non-zero entries in S. 4. Added the command local (A,B,C,...); where A,B,C,... are matrix names. This command can be used inside of macro definitions. The command declares the specified matrix names as being only locally defined. Then, using these names for matrix operations inside the macro will not conflict with identical names that are already defined outside the macro. The command is ignored if used outside of a macro definition. 5. Added the command mdeff(X) = fname; Given that fname is the name of a standard free-format data file with m data records and n numerical entries in each record, the command creates a m x n matrix X and reads the numerical entries from the data file into the matrix. 6. The mpr command has an additional append option. The syntax is mpr(X) = fname; writes matrix X into file fname, or mpra(X) = fname; appends X to file fname. 7. Enhanced options for the mexpr command for matrix expressions. A matrix-expression can combine matrices, data matrix variables and namelists. Assume mexpr(op(A,...,V,...,L,...), R) where A,... are matrices, V,... are data matrix variables, and L,... are namelists. Data matrix variables are treated as NOC x 1 matrices, namelists are treated as NOC x m matrices where m is the number of variables contained in the namelist. Consequently, all arguments can be considered as matrices with dimensions, say, row(i) x col(i). The resulting matrix, R, gets dimension max {row(i)} x max {col(i)} If one of the matrices (or variables, namelists) has smaller dimensions, its missing rows, or columns, are created by cyclically using the available ones. For example, if a matrix A has n columns, its (n+1)th column will equal its first column, and so on; analogously for rows. c) As a consequence, it is no longer possible to create matrices having names that conflict with already defined variables or namelists. d) Remember that matrix-expressions are evaluated element-wise. For example, with matrices 1 A = 2 and B = (1,2) 3 the command mexpr(A * B,R); 1 2 would result in the matrix: R = 2 4 3 6 e) Matrix-expression may contain type 2 operators. Not allowed are the pre() and suc() operators (but the lag operator will work), and the specific operators for episode and sequence data. When a matrix-expression contains type 2 operators, the resulting matrix is calculated as a sequence of column vectors, meaning that the operators apply separately for each of these column vectors. For example, mexpr(sort(X),R); would separately sort each column of X in ascending order. 8. In order to allow the block mode operators for matrix expressions, there is an additional command, mexpr1(B,m-expr,R); where B is a (m,n) matrix and m-expr is some (row,col) matrix expression. It is required that m >= row. The resulting matrix, R, has dimension max(m,row) x col and is evaluated from m-expr. While evaluating m-expr, B is used for the definition of blocks, that is, each consecutive number of identical rows in B is treated as a separate block. 9. A matrix-expression may contain arguments X(row,col) where X is a matrix, or V(row,1) where V is a data matrix variable, or L(row,col) where L is a namelist. The result is the corresponding element of X, V, or L. For example, mexpr(A(row,col),R); would create a scalar matrix, R, containing the value of A(row,col). row and col can be any scalar expression. Values resulting from row and col expressions must be positive integers. If they exceed the corresponding matrix dimensions, they are cyclically turned around. For example, if the matrix is A = (1,2,3), then A(1,5) = 2. In addition, one can use the following constructs (where X is a matrix, a variable, or a namelist): X(row,.) sum of elements in row X(.,col) sum of elements in column X(.,.) sum of all elements All constructs mentioned so far are considered as type 1 operators and get the dimension 1 x 1. There is a further type 2 operators, X(i) which returns the i.th column of the matrix (or variable, or namelist) X. The returned object has dimension row x 1 where row is the number of rows of object X. 10. Whenever the argument of a matrix command refers to an existing matrix, it is now possible to use an arbitrary matrix-expression instead of a single matrix name. So it is possible to combine scalars, matrices, variables and namelists in all matrix commands. For example, mpr(sin(V)); where V is a data matrix variable would print the resulting vector. Consequently, the calc command is obsolete and will be removed. 11. A further extension, we introduced an additional concept for vectors, which may be defined using the syntax: < e1,e2,... > for column vectors < e1,e2,... >' for row vectors where e1, e2, ... are any scalar expressions. These vectors are always treated as column vectors. For example, mpr(<1,2,3>'); would be printed as the row vector 1 2 3 and mpr(<1,2,3> + <4,5,6>' ); would be printed as the matrix 5 6 7 6 7 8 7 8 9 If a vector has fewer elements as required by the dimension of its context, it is cyclically updated. For example, mpr(<1,2>' + <3,4,5>') would result in the vector 4 6 6 Note 1: The prime character (') is different from the single quotation mark character (`) which can be used to enclose strings. Note 2: The prime character can only be used with vectors, not with general matrices or matrix-expressions. Note 3: Due to stack size limitations, a directly specified vector can have at most 9 elements. This may be less when the vector is used as part of a more complex expression. 12. As a consequence of these changes, the following commands are obsolete and no longer supported: mhp Hadamard product mset copy one matrix into another madd/msubb addition, subtraction msmul multiplication of matrix with scalar mrsum,mcsum use mmul(1,...) or mmul(...,1,...) instead calc calculator, use mpr instead Also, for some matrix commands, we have slightly changed the syntax in order to allow a more unified treatment: mdefc(m,n,x,A); create matrix A mdefi(m,n,I); create identity matrix I mlp(T,X,Y); linear programming mlp1(T,p,X,Y); linear programming with equality constraints msrow(A,D,R); select rows mscol(A,D,R); select columns In the last two commands, D is a row or column vector that provides indices of the rows (in msrow) or columns (in mscol) that are to be selected. This vector can be given by a matrix name or directly with the new vector notation. For example, if 1 2 3 A = 4 5 6 7 8 9 the command mscol(A,<1,3,2>,R) would result in 1 3 2 R = 4 6 5 7 9 8 13. Added the type 1 operators: row(expression) returns row-dimension of expression col(expression) returns column-dimension of expression Note: the resulting dimension of row() and col() is always 1x1. 14. Added the commands msort (A,D,R); msort1(A,D,R); mrank (A,D,R); A is a general (m,n) matrix, D is a column vector providing indices of columns of A. The matrix A is then sorted in ascending order, based on the columns selected by D. The msort command returns a (m,n) matrix containing the sorted values of A. The msort1 command does the same but drops rows that occur more than once. The mrank command returns a (m,1) vector containing rank numbers for the sorted rows of A. 15. Added the commands a) msetv(expr, X(row,col)); where expr is a scalar expression, X is the name of an existing matrix, and row and col are scalar expression referring to an existing element of X. The command copies the value of expr into X(row,col). b) mnrow(A,R) Given a m x n matrix A (or, in fact, any matrix expression), the command creates a 1 x 1 matrix R containing the number of rows in A, that is, m. c) mncol(A,C) Given a m x n matrix A, the command creates a 1 x 1 matrix C containing the number of columns in A, that is, n. d) mnum(x,d,n,A) Given values x, d, and n, the command creates a n x 1 matrix A with values A(i) = x + (i - 1) * d (for i = 1,...,n) x, d, and n can be 1 x 1 matrices. e) mtrace(A,R); Given an (m,n) matrix A, the command returns R = sum {A(i,i)} for i = 1,...,min(m,n) f) mnorm(A,R); The command returns the maximal norm of A, that is, the absolute value of the matrix element that has largest absolute value. g) mnorm1(A,R); The command returns the l1 norm of A, that is, the sum of the absolute values of the matrix elements. h) mnorm2(A,R); The command returns the l2 (Euclidean) norm of A. 16. By default, matrix commands and the repeat, while, and if command do not echo in the standard output (except when errors occur). Verbose behavior can be requested with the command silent = -1; The silent command without arguments shows the current value. 17. Added code in order to allow using most type 1 operators also in combination with type 2 operators. This includes mainly mathematical operators and operators for density and distribution functions. 18. Addes a new type 1 operators exists(Name) where Name is a syntactically valid matrix, variable, or namelist name. The operator returns 1 if the object denoted by Name exists, otherwise it returns 0. In particular, exists() returns 0. This is useful in order to check whether $n expressions in macro definitions are actually available when the macro is executed. For example, exists($1) when used inside a macro, will be expanded to exists(Name) when Name is given for $1 when invoking the macro, and is expanded into exists() when the macro argument $1 is not used when invoking the macro. Remember that $n expressions are substituted by their corresponding names, when given by the user, or substituted by Null-strings. This rule also applies when $n expressions are used inside double quotation marks. The only exception is when $n expressions are inside single quotation marks. For example, print("$1 ..."); will substitute $1 by a valid name, or by the Null-string; but print("... `$1' ...") will not substitute $1 by a name or the Null-string. 19. Added the command dblock ( mdef=... ) = varlist; All parameters are optional. The command first turns off any possibly active tsel (temporary case) selection. It then creates a data structure that keeps record of data matrix blocks defined by the variables in varlist. Blocks are defined as contiguous blocks of data matrix rows where the variables in varlist have identical values; or, if varlist is empty, each data matrix row is treated as a separate block. The dblock command sets the global variable BNOC to the number of blocks that has been found. This number is available with the new type 1 operator bnoc If the optional parameter mdef = M, is used, where M is the name of a matrix, the dblock command creates a NOC x 1 matrix named M and sets M(i,1) = block number of case i. 20. Added the command repsel( id = V, # optional ID variable ) = S; # matrix expression where S is a matrix-expression with dimension BNOC x 1. The command requires that BNOC has been set with the dblock command. Like the dblock command, the repsel command turns off any possibly active tsel (temporary case) selection. The repsel command works in two different ways, depending on whether the optional id parameter is used. a) If the id parameter is not used, the command creates a new data matrix where the cases in block i (i=1,...,BNOC) are repeated S(i,1) times, or omitted if S(i,1) <= 0. b) If the name of a variable, say V, is given with the id parameter, the command creates a new data matrix where block i consists of those cases where the value of V equals S(i,1). The repsel case selection remains valid until - a new repsel command is given, - the data matrix is cleared, - a tsel command is given, - a dblock command is given, or - the command is explicitly turned off with repsel = off; 21. Added the type 1 operator rdp1(z) This operator returns random numbers according to a Poisson distribution with mean z. z must be a positive number in the interval (0,350). The algorithm is adapted from ACM 369 by Henrry E. Schaffer, cf. Communications of the ACM 13, 1970. 22. Added two commands to support the balanced repeated replication (BRR) method. For preliminary information see the (obsolete) TDA Working Paper 1-3, June 1994. The first command is brr( ptab = fname, ) = ns,nu; where ns is number of strata and nu is number of secu. This command shows the number of required replications on standard output. If the optional ptab parameter is used, the BRR indicators are written into the output file fname. These data will be identical to those that can be directly created with the matrix command mbrr(ns,nu,S); This command creates a ns x nr matrix, S, where ns is the number of strata and nr the number of replications, and S(i,j) = SECU in strata i for replication j. For example, assume a data matrix with variables Strata and SECU. Then, in order to get BRR replications, one can use the following commands: dblock = Strata; creates ns blocks mbrr(ns,nu,S); creates the S matrix repsel(v=SECU) = S(j); jth replication 23. The vsel, bsel and break parameters in the nvar command can only be used when reading from an external data file or from a data archive. The nvar command now explicitly tests for this conditions and otherwise returns with an error message. 24. Contrary to the description of the while and if commands given in the update note for TDA 6.2c, we now require that in while (expression); and if (expression); expression must be scalar, i.e., a 1 x 1 matrix. 25. The repeat command can now be used in the following ways: a) repeat(n = expr); where expr is a scalar expression that evaluates to a positive integer, say m. The commands in between repeat and endrepeat are then executed m times. b) repeat(n = expr,I); Given in this form, the command creates a 1 x 1 matrix, I (arbitrary matrix name), and sets I(1,1) to the value of the interation counter for the repeat loop. It is required that a matrix with the given name (I) does not already exists. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.2c July 26, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.2c: 1. Changed the routine to match variables in order to allow sensible results when the matching variable is not unique. Thanks to Beate Ernicke. 2. TDA now supports user-defined macros. A macro can be defined with the command macrodef(MNAME) = {string1; string2; ... }; MNAME is an arbitrary string to be used as the name of the macro. string1, string2, etc. must be valid TDA commands, or already defined macro names. MNAME then becomes a new command, and MNAME; is executed as string1; string2; .... string1, string2, ... may contain variable arguments, having the predefined names $1, $2, ..., $100 (The maximal number of arguments equals the maximal number of macros, defined by the constant MaxMacro in tda.h. MaxMacro is currently set to the value of 100 but can be changed at compile time.) When defining a macro, variable arguments must be contiguous, that is, $1,$2,$3,... Apart from this requirement, they can be used in any way. When invoking the macro name with arguments, TDA uses the following ordering: MNAME(arg_n+1,arg_n+2,... ) = arg_1,arg_2,...,arg_n; arg_i is then substitued for $i in the macro definition. Arguments can be skipped by using consecutive commas. The corresponding argument in the macro definition will then be empty. In order to check the expansion of macros one can use the command: expand : MNAME (arguments) = arguments; or expand = MNAME (arguments) = arguments; This will show the expanded macros based on the provided arguments but will not execute the commands. There are two additional commands: a) macrolist; gives a list of currently defined macros. b) macroclear; deletes all currently defined macros. 3. Added the following command for TDA PostScript files: a) xlog [=psfile]; shows the plot objects in the currently open PostScript file, or in psfile if given as an argument. b) xdelete = n1,n2,...; deletes the plot objects n1,n2,... from the currently active PostScript file. c) xopen = psfile; tries to open psfile as a new PostScript file. psfile must be a TDA PostScript file. Note that these commands only work with TDA PostScript files created with TDA 6.2c or later. 4. Added commands that allow, to some extent, interactive graphical data exploration. The basic command is xshow(dscal=...) [= psfile]; that allows a preview of the currently active PostScript file, or psfile if given as an argument. The optional dscal parameter can be used to change the default scaling factor, dscal=1. This command works fine in an X windows environment. It opens a plot window and shows the plot until the window is closed by typing any key. A somewhat limited version of the command is available for Windows NT. Note that the xshow command interprets the currently defined PostScript file but has only limited capabilities for interpreting PostScript commands. In fact, the interpreter is heavily tied to a special format used for TDA PostScript files. If one needs to preview the complete PostScript file one should not use xshow but, e.g., GhostScript or GhostView. There are a few additional commands to support quick creation of PostScript plots. In general, if there is no currently active PostScript file, these commands create a new PostScript file. Otherwise the plot objects created by these commands are added to the currently active PostScript file. a) xplot( opt=..., 1 (default) scatterplot, 2 line plot s=..., symbol type, def. 1 fs=..., symbol size, def. 1.3 mm lt=..., line type, def. 1 lw=..., line width, def. 0.2 mm pxlen=..., length of x axis, def. 120 mm pylen=..., length of y axis, def. 80 mm ) = X,Y [,G]; This command creates a scatterplot based on the variables X and Y. A third variable, G, is optional. If added, each set of data points having the same value of G is treated as a separate group and is shown by a separate plot symbol. All other parameters are optional. Note: the s parameter can only be used when there is just one group. b) xplotf( cn=..., column numbers of variables, def. cn=1,2 gn=..., column number of group variable opt=..., 1 (default) scatterplot, 2 line plot s=..., symbol type, def. 1 fs=..., symbol size, def. 1.3 mm lt=..., line type, def. 1 lw=..., line width, def. 0.2 mm pxlen=..., length of x axis, def. 120 mm pylen=..., length of y axis, def. 80 mm ) = name_of_data_file; This command works similar to the xplot command but gets its data diretly from a data file assumed to be a standard free format data file with valid end of line characters. 1) By default, the xplotf command uses the first two data columns in the input file to get values for the X and Y variables. 2) Optionally, one can use the cn parameter to specify column numbers: cn = c1,c2,c3,..., defining corresponding variables X1,X2,X3,... This specifies the data point groups (X1,X2), (X1,X3), ... and a scatterplot, or line plot, is created separately for each group. 3) As a further option, one can specify cn = c1,c2, gn=c3, defining corresponding variables X, Y, and G, respectively. X and Y define the data points, and G is a grouping variable, meaning that each set of (X,Y) values which have the same value in G is treated as a separate group. c) xf( rx = a(d)b, definition of x axis lt=..., line type, def. 1 lw=..., line width, def. 0.2 mm pxlen=..., length of x axis, def. 120 mm pylen=..., length of y axis, def. 80 mm ) = function(x); This command plots function(x). If there is a currently active PostScript file the function is plotted for the corresponding x axis. Otherwise, the command created a new PostSript file (named xplot.ps). By default, the function is then plotted for an x axis from 1 to 10. Alternatively, one can define the x axis with rx = a (d) b, The range is then from a to b, with increments d. d) xconh( lt = ..., line type, def. 1 lw = ..., line width, def. 0.2 ); Adds convex hulls to the most recent scatterplot. If the scatterplot consists of more than one group, the convex hulls are plotted separately for each group. e) xreg( lt = ..., line type, def. 1 lw = ..., line width, def. 0.2 sig = ..., sigma for lowess, def. 0.5 ) [= n]; This command adds a regression line to the most recent scatterplot. In case of more than one group, this is done separately for each group. n = 1 Lowess, default n = 2 LS regression n = 3 L1 norm regression 5. In order to ease the use of estimation results of standard procedures as input for matrix calculations, we added the following optional parameters. mplog = MatrixName, mppar = MatrixName, mpcov = MatrixName, mpgrad = MatrixName, If used, the corresponding matrix is created (any already existing matrix with same name is first deleted), and appropriate results of the procedure are written into the matrix. In general, what is written into the matrices depends on the command. For commands using maximum likelihood estimation, the general rule is: a) mplog will contain the final loglikelihood value b) mppar will contain the final parameter estimates c) mpcov will contain the final covariance matrix d) mpgrad will contain the final case-specific gradients mpgrad can also be used in the following way: mpgrad(v=V1,V2,...) = MatrixName, Values of the specified variables are then added as additional columns to the matrix. Currently, the parameters can be used with the following commands. Command mplog mppar mpcov mpgrad -------------------------------------------- rate + + + + qreg + + + + fmin + + + + freg + + + + fml + + + + frml + + + + lsreg + + + l1reg + + + dstat + quant + cov + corr + atab + ineq + 6. Reworked matrix commands in order to allow for overwriting of already existing matrices. For example, the command mginv(A,A); no longer gives a senseless result but returns the g-inverse of A. 7. Added the concept of matrix expression as a generalization of standard TDA expressions. Matrix expressions have basically the same syntax as standard expressions but may contain matrix names instead of numerical constants. There is one basic limitation: All matrices used in a matrix expression must have the same dimension, and this then becomes the dimension of the matrix expression. If a matrix expression contains data matrix variables, these variables will be interpreted as (NOC,1) matrices where NOC is the current number of cases selected for TDA's data matrix. Analogously, a namelist containing m variables will be interpreted as a (NOC,m) matrix. Matrix expressions are evaluated element-wise by their cor esponding standard expressions. A standard expression containing only numerical constants and operators is equivalent to a (1,1) matrix expression. 8. Added the following matrix commands: a) mexpr(expression,A); where expression is a matrix expression. This command creates a new matrix, A, with dimensions defined by expression and each element set to the corresponding value of expression. b) mdef(A); copies the currently defined data matrix into the matrix A. c) mdef(A)=varlist; creates the matrix A containing the values of the variables specified on the right-hand side. (Namelists can be used.) d) mnvar(A); where A is the name of a (m,n) matrix. This command creates a new data matrix with m cases and n variables. Variable names are created by using the matrix name and adding column numbers. e) The mpr command that allows to print matrices into standard output or into an output file can now be used in the following way: mpr (A [, string] ) [ = filename]; If given, the optional string is written in a single line at the beginning, followed by the matrix values. f) mscal1(A,B); Given a (m,n) matrix A, the command returns a (m,n) matrix B with values B(i,j) = A(i,j) / Sum(A) where Sum(A) is the sum of all values of A. g) mrsum(A,S); Given a (m,n) matrix A, the command returns a (m,1) matrix S containing the sums of the row values of A. h) mcsum(A,S); Given a (m,n) matrix A, the command returns a (1,n) matrix S containing the sums of the column values of A. i) minvs(A,B); Given a positive definite symmetric (m,m) matrix A, the command returns the inverse of A. Values are taken from the lower triangle of A. j) minvd(A,B); Given a (m,n) matrix A, the command returns a (m,n) matrix B with B(i,i) = 1 / A(i,i) for i = 1,...,min(m,n). All other elements are set to zero. k) mwvec(A,W,R); Given (m,1) vectors A and W, the command creates a (m,1) vector R, with elements Sum[j in I(i)] A(j) * W(j) R(i) = ------------------------------ Sum[j in I(i)] W(j) The sum runs over all j in the index set I(i) := { k : k > i } R(i) = A(i) if I(i) empty, or the sum of weights is zero. l) mwvec1(A,W,T,R); Given (m,1) vectors A, W, and T, the command creates a (m,1) vector R, with elements Sum[j in I(i)] A(j) * W(j) R(i) = ------------------------------ Sum[j in I(i)] W(j) The sum runs over all j in the index set I(i) := { k : T(k) > T(i) } R(i) = A(i) if I(i) empty, or the sum of weights is zero. m) mple(T,C,F,D); Given (m,1) vectors T and C, the command performs a product- limit estimation of the cumulative distribution function of the values in T. The elements in C are interpreted as censoring information: if C(i) = 0, T(i) is interpreted as NOT censored; if C(i) has a nonzero value, the corresponding T(i) is interpreted as censored. The largest value of T is always interpreted as NOT censored. The command creates two (m,1) vectors F and D. If the command terminates successfully, F will contain the cdf, and D the jumps of the cdf for noncensored values. 9. Added commands that allow to control the execution of a series of commands. a) repeat(n=...); ... endrepeat; The commands in between repeat and endrepeat are executed unconditionally n times. By default, n = 1. b) while (expression); ... endwhile; The commands in between while and endwhile are executed while expression is true. Expression can be any valid matrix expression (including standard expressions). Assuming that expression defines a (m,n) matrix, say E, TDA interprets the expression as true if the sum of the absolute values of the elements in E is greater than sqrt(EPSI) [approx 1.e-8] where EPSI is the machine precision. Repeat and while commands can be nested up to a level of 100 (defined by MaxREP in tda.h). c) if (expression); ... endif; The commnds in between if and endif are executed if expression is true. Here, expression is treated in the same way as already explained for the while command. If commands can be nested up to 100 levels (see the constant MaxIFLEV in tda.h). Also possible is: if (expression); ... else; ... endif; d) break; All commands following break are skipped until the next endrepeat, or endwhile, command. Note that a break command must be inside a loop beginning with repeat or while. NOTE: the goto command, mentioned in Section 1.4 of the User's Manual, is no longer supported. 10. Added a command, "silent", that can be used to control writing of messages. silent = 0; writes all output (default) 1; suppresses standard output 2; suppresses standard error output 3; suppresses both standard, and standard error output The command has no influence on "fatal" error messages and writing external files. It cannot be used in interactive mode. 11. The s parameter in pdata now has the following additional meaning: s = 0, print only numerical representation of string (default) s = 1, print string and its numerical representation (as before) s = 2, print string only 12. Following suggestions by Stefan Bender, we modified the nvar command as follows: a) vsel and break parameters can no longer be used when in block mode. b) the bsel parameter no longer drops, or keeps, whole blocks but evaluates individual records, meaning bsel = expression, selects those records from a block where expression is true (not equal zero). Note, however, that all variables that invole type 2 parameter are evaluated before bsel is applied, i.e., are evaluated for the complete block. On the other hand, the statistics about number of blocks and their minmal and maximal size are evaluated after bsel has been applied. c) Added the following parameters to the nvar command: sepc = ..., separation character when directly writing an output file with df/df1 option. Default is one blank character, optional: sepc = none, no separation character sepc = any_character, l0=..., l0 = 0, use leading blanks (default) l0 = 1, use leading zeros 13. Added a online help function. This requires the additional file, "tda.hlp", to available in a path where also the executable version of tda can be found. tda.hlp is a plain ASCII text file that contains the text for the help entries. The command is help; or help string; The help command without arguments provides a short description of how the help command can be used. 14. Archive variables having an integer format with more than 9 digits now get the default storage size <8>, i.e. double precision floating point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.2b June 15, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.2b: 1. Fixed a bug that occurred when the keep list in pdata contains more variables than do acutally exist. 2. Fixed a bug that occurred when writing Stata files under DOS. 3. Added the parameter sepc=... to the pdata command in order to allow for alternative separation characters in the output file. Default is a single blank character. Optionally one can use sepc = none, to suppress a separation character, or sepc = 'any character', Another new parameter is l0 = 1, If given with the pdata command, print format fields not fully occupied by a value are filled with leading zeros. 4. When reading from a fixed format data file, variables defined by columns that do not exist in an actually read record, now get the missing value code for blank fields (mblnk). 5. Added the following commands: esort for sorting huge data files see: d021205 emerge for merging huge data files see: d021206 eselect for selecting records see: d021207 eskip for dropping selected columns see: d021208 6. Added the parameter df1 to the nvar command. Like the df parameter, the df1 parameter can be used to directly write data to an output file without creating an internal data matrix. The difference is that, when operating in block mode, the df1 parameter only writes the first record from each block. 7. Added two new type 2 operators: bfa(V[...]) and bfr(V[...]) V is the name of a variable and [...] is the dummy variable operator. The bfa operator returns the number of times that the dummy variable, i.e. its argument, takes a non-zero value for all records in the current block. The bfr operator returns the corresponding relativ frequency. 8. Added the command $ string ; This command calls a shell in order to execute string. Note: use quotation marks if string contains blank characters. 9. Updates in the User's Manual: d021205 added d021206 added d021207 added d021208 added d0612 updated d00 updated index updated ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.2a May 25, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes made for version 6.2a: 1. Fixed a bug that occurred when parsing variable lists not ended by a comma. Thanks to Tak Wing Chan. 2. Added a command, npreg, for nonparametric regression with bivariate data. The command is documented in section d061002 that has been added to the documentation. An additional command file, npreg1.cf, has been added to the example archive. 3. Updates in the User's Manual: d061002 added d0610 updated d00 updated index updated ref updated ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.2 April 13, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Checked rspss and rstata commands. Added: command cblen for command buffer length, def. 20000. Error message if insufficient command buffer length. 2. Corrected a bug in wr_stata(). Didn't recognize the number of variables correctly. 3. Block mode variable can be of type 2, 3 or 6. 4. New command: gio (integrated ownership), with M. Becht. Only experimental, command has been removed later on. 5. Fixed a bug in atab command. 6. Added a new option for string variables: S[len]:ci, or U[len]:ci where ci is the i.th logical column and len is the maximal length of the string. The i.th logical column may contain strings of the form: string or "string" If string contains blank characters it should be enclosed in double quotes. 7. Changed basic data structures for graph data and adjusted procedures for graphs to the new TDA 6.1 syntax. 8. Added prn option to pdata command. prn=0 default prn=1 write single variable as triangle matrix prn=2 write single variable as square matrix 9. Corrected a bug that occurred when creating type 5 variables (in edef command) while temporary case selection is active. Thanks to Francesco Billari. 10. Corrected a bug that caused problems when creating several plots in a single command file. Thanks to Uwe Gehring. 11. Added commands sma : moving averages smd : running median smoothers spl : smoothing splines 12. Fixed a bug that caused the program to become confused in deciding between free variables and data matrix variables when parsing user-defined functions. Also added the option to define multilevel functions. 13. Added command l1reg for L1 norm regression. 14. Fixed a bug in the automatic differentiation of the eexp() function. 15. Transferred part of the logit and probit stuff from TDA 5.7 to TDA 6.2. For available models see the manual. 16. Added operator bc(n,m) for binomial coefficient. 17. Added operator bivn() for bivariate normal distribution that allows automatic differentiation. 18. Added operator mvn() for the multivariate normal distribution. 19. Added operator rdmn() to generate multivariate normally distributed random numbers with a correlation matrix that can be defined by the user. 20. Added operator poisson() for logarithm of Poisson distribution. Note: automatic differentiation only wrt the first argument, theta. 21. Added operator negbin() for logarithm of negative binomial distribution. Note: automatic differentiation only wrt the first two arguments, alpha and gamma. 22. The ccov parameter can now be used in ML estimation of user-defined models. 23. Added nq parameter to pdata command. Each consecutive set of nq data matrix rows is written as a single record into the output file. 24. Added isc parameter to nvar command in order to allow for a definition of separation characters in data input files. Default separation characters are: blank, tab, comma, and semicolon. Any sequence of these characters counts as a single separation character. Alternatively, when using the parameter isc = 'x', where x is some character, then each single occurrence of this character counts as one separation character. For example, with isc=',', the separation character is a single comma, and a record like 10,,20 would result in three values: 10, a missing value, and 20. The missing value type is MBlnk. 25. Changed the algorithm for the inverse of the standard normal distribution function. We now use ACM algorithm 442 that gives better approximations in the tails of the distribution. The ndi operator now allows for automatic differentiation (but only first derivative). 26. Added command line option "i". If the program is invoked as tda6 i [commands] it remains in memory and shows up with a prompt (:). After the prompt one can input commands. A command can be continued on several lines and must finally be terminated by a semicolon. It will then be executed and, having given the standard output for that command, the program will show up with a new promt. Termination is with "quit;" or "exit;". 27. Fixed a bug in the rstata command that occurred when the Stata file has extension fields. Thanks to Jesper Sorensen. 28. Added the command psclose; This command immediately closes a currently open PostScript output file. The command will be ignored if no PostScript output file is defined. 29. Added the command scplot for scatterplots. The command supports standard scatterplots, sunflower plots, and LOWESS regression curves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: TDA 6.1 July 12, 1997 -------------------------------------------------------------------------